We all can use more cash business and this is a great way to ask for a referral. Whenever a client acknowledges the value of your work say, Thank you and please don't keep me a secret." In other words "tell a friend"
Please check out this promotion that American Express http://www.facebook.com/SmallBusinessSaturday?sk=app_214385065292578 is doing to help promote small business. Everyone should get behind this great campaign. Promote it in your business and shop at local businesses on November 26. Another great resource for buy local information is http://www.livelocalrenosparks.com/
Reno businesses should use the 15% rule when considering barter and trade. Studies done at the Harvard, Warton School of Busines concluded that most businesses could increase their gross sales by15% without increasing their overhead costs. When considering barter establish a number, and then try to average it out over the next twelve months factoring in a 15% increase and then workout a budget on how you plan to spend your new found capital.
Shop Reno:Read about featured members of the Reno Western Trade Alliance. We encourage you to shop local and use WTA members! Archives
February 2024
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